The best way to start teaching coding & technology

Explore BSD’s engaging and flexible teaching and learning experience — 100% free.

What you get with START:

  • 4-hour coding & technology course covering HTML, CSS & JavaScript in web design, game development, and AI applications
  • Live-view of student projects to capitalize on learning opportunities
  • Free accounts for 30 students
  • Quick login codes ensure that getting class started is a cinch
  • Lessons are fully resourced and ready to go, minimizing prep time
  • Interactive glossaries reinforce concepts and allow for tinkering
  • Expert scaffolding allows young students to learn text-based coding

The People Who Inspire Me

Design a webpage showcasing
3 people who inspire you.

Trivia Game Maker

Make an interactive trivia game
with your own questions.

AI Webcam Image Classifier

Code an image classifier
powered by machine learning.

Multi-page Website

Design and build a multi-page website for a fictional organization.

Fill out this form to create your START account today

For Teachers

For Students

Developing a Growth Mindset

Embedded challenges and thought experiments help students become curious, adaptable, resilient, and empathetic — critical mindsets and attitudes for a rapidly changing world.

Exercise Transferable Skills

Use tech as a medium for developing communication, collaboration, computational, and design thinking skills that all student can use throughout their lives and careers.

Real, Text-Based Coding

Move students beyond block-based coding an onto the real thing. Student learn essential coding languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and Solidity

BSD Testimonials

Trusted, Certified & Aligned

CPD Standards

CPD Accredited


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Product Index


Aligned to
ISTE Standards


Aligned to 
CSTA Standards

Digital Promise

Research-Based Design Product Certification