How to Add PDF in a classroom


Have you ever thought of customizing your BSD classroom by adding a PDF of your choice? Here at BSD Education, we help support the creativity of the teacher and to make them feel that they have a personal touch to their own online classroom. Introducing the addition of PDF custom to your classroom. Simply follow the steps after logging into BSD online:

Step 1: Click the lock icon to unlock the classroom content.

Step 2: Now that the classroom is unlocked, click the “+” icon to add the additional content.

Step 3: A sliding menu will appear on the right side of the screen. At the extreme right of the menu, the Custom tab is located, click to view the available custom add-ons.

Step 4: Click on Resource to upload a PDF from your computer.


4a: Hit the upload button.

Step 5: Finally, the PDF is added to your classroom. Don’t forget to lock the classroom content to avoid any accidental changes.

Note: Custom PDFs can be added in a classroom as stand-alone content. This means that you can add a Custom PDF even if your classroom does not contain any BSD course or project.

The added PDF is visible to both teachers and students. Thus, if a teacher wishes to move it to “teacher-only” view, here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Make sure the lock icon is set to unlock.

Step 2: Hover over the PDF and you will see the three vertical dots next to the resources icon. Click that to see the options – Move to teacher-only and Remove. (2)

2a: Move to teacher-only – this allows the teacher to make a PDF visible only to teachers. After clicking the “Move to teacher-only” button, notice that the resources icon was removed.

Teacher-only view

Student and teacher view (1)

2b: To remove – click the “Remove” option and confirm the action.


If you have further questions regarding this feature, don’t hesitate to reach us through chat!

about Beth
Beth is the Senior Marketing Manager at BSD Education.
She is focused primarily on full-stack marketing strategy, data analytics, and email marketing at BSD. Beth has over eight years of experience working with several industries globally, and operates a full-stack marketing consultancy based in Bath.
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