Empowering education with digital skills at BSD Education

We specialize in supporting schools to seamlessly integrate, expand and maintain technology and digital skills learning programs.

BSD Education is trusted by over 8,000 educators
and 150K+ students across 26 countries

New Digital Skills Program Launch

Specifically designed for middle and high school students.

Program Expansion

Aiming to encompass more educators and learners.

Digital Skills Pipeline

Creating a flow of digitally proficient students from middle to high school.

After-School and Holiday Camps

To spark interest in digital skills relevant to future careers.

Professional Development

Enhancing faculty expertise in 21st Century and Digital Skills.

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BSD Online

An intuitive platform that simplifies the teaching and learning of digital skills.

Certified Curriculum

A rich library of learning materials designed to engage students in meaningful and enjoyable learning experiences.

Support for Teachers

We offer personalized professional development and coaching to empower teachers in delivering digital education.

Our Outcomes

Increase the pipeline of students selecting technology pathways

Improve comfort working with technology and technologists

Develop transferable skills for a tech-driven work environment

What our customers are saying

Trusted, Certified & Aligned

CPD Standards

CPD Accredited


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Product Index


Aligned to
ISTE Standards


Aligned to 
CSTA Standards

Digital Promise

Research-Based Design Product Certification