Connecting Classrooms to the Real World: Teachers Meet Businesses


Last month, we ran the first event in our new series: Teachers Meet Businesses!  

Globally, people speak about the need for schools to prepare students for the job. However, there is often a gap between classroom and workplace activities.

What is Teachers Meet Businesses?

Our quarterly events bring teachers into companies to understand first-hand how technology has changed industries and business models.

During each event, a company representative discusses using technology at work, and a teacher discusses using technology in the classroom.

Therefore, this allows teachers to observe how digital skills will improve their students’ future careers.

Hearing from Businesses

Macquarie Group Hong Kong hosted our first Teachers Meet Businesses event. Fiona Yu discussed the significance of machine learning in today’s trading activity. Fiona oversees the “Blocks Desk” team, which employs a proprietary technology to rate possible buyers and sellers.

Moreover, her team uses big data and AI to advise clients on what to purchase and sell. Like how Amazon recommends books depending on your search, Fiona’s team does the same with stock recommendations.

To create these recommendations, Fiona’s team combines huge data about stock features, similar fund manager decisions, and stock screening.

Hearing from Teachers

Providing insight about authentic student learning opportunities at South Island School in Hong Kong, Iain Williamson spoke next after Fiona. The AFP media course has replaced the outdated Media IGCSE. Client commissions are a key feature of this training. They work directly with other companies to meet deadlines and objectives, much as in the real world.

This experience evaluates students’ technical abilities and ‘softer’ skills that employers expect to see, such as communication and time management.

Additionally, introducing a course with real-world application and relevance increased enrollment and engagement.

The first Teachers Meet Businesses event was a truly insightful evening and a great success! The speeches gave a clear picture of how important integrating real-world relevant digital skills in school really is. Especially so as we preparing students for the future. Moreover, Iain’s experience clearly shows that this sort of learning prepares students and makes them more engaged and enthusiastic in the classroom.

Want to learn more about our Teachers Meet Businesses events? Click here or contact me at

about Charlotte
Charlotte is the Global COO. She works across all areas of the business to ensure we deliver quality products and services effectively and efficiently.
Charlotte graduated from Cambridge University with a first-class degree in Geography with Education Studies, before completing a primary PGCE at Goldsmiths, University of London. She then joined the UK Government’s Department for Education and spent over 6 years working on education and children’s policies, including a secondment at a leading think tank. In 2017 she moved to Asia as the Academic Director of a learning center, designing the curriculum, contributing to publications, and teaching.
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