Gain an understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript and get a solid head start in website development!Using real-world technology, students will create websites and web-based applications. They will build their own coding posters, trivia games and personalized websites.
In this intermediate course, students will learn to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build games that can be played on both desktop and mobile devices.
This course is designed for students who have had prior experience with HTML, CSS, andJavaScript.Using the BSD Online learning platform, students will build a total of five different games — a platformer, a trac game, a nonogram puzzle game, a battle game, and a jumping game.
Students will develop fundamental skills in programming, learn about game development and design, and explore how to add further customizations to their projects.They will end the course with a tech portfolio of the projects they’ve created, and will be able to use their new skills to move onto more complex projects in the future.
Learn: Teachers will lead students through guided projects that teach the fundamentals of game development to create a series of projects on BSD Online. After completing the guided projects, students will also learn how to add further customizations to their projects in sandbox.
Create a side-scroller 2D game that contains custom characters, backgrounds, levels and more. Once the game is completed, it can be shared online with friends.
For aspiring technologists, this start-up course teaches students about cutting-edge new technologies to help them innovate a fresh new tech startup idea.
Starting with fundamentals of technology, students will learn how programming works using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Following this, students will identify a real-world problem that they would like to solve. Through design thinking activities and their newly acquired coding skills, they will design and prototype a working tech solution. Working independently or in small teams, students will then develop a business plan, company brand, and digital online presence.
At the end of the course, students will have created a tech prototype, a business plan presented as a website and a business blog.
Students will use the world-famous gaming platform, Roblox Studio, to design and develop their own games. They will use programming logic like function, loops, and conditions to customize and develop an engaging story that captures the player’s interest, and design heroes that take on the interactive world.
Students will work on their game design skills and learn to think creatively about designing worlds, creating themes and setting objectives and goals, mimicking how professional developers.
In this introductory course for beginners, students will learn the basics of coding in Python. The course will focus on learning Python syntax, structure and parameters and then use the knowledge and skills to build two projects
Using the BSD Online learning platform, students will be guided through learning about Python basics like, variables, data types, conditional logic, math operators and loops. The first part of the course is designed to be self-guided with activities and practice with syntax and using the console. Then students will build a birth-date-to-now calculator and an encoder/decoder.
They will end the course with a tech portfolio of the projects they’ve created throughout the course, and will be able to use their new skills to move onto more complex projects in the future.
Create: Students will create 4 unique projects that put their Python skills to use: Rock-paper-scissors App. Countdown Timer, Birth-date-to-now Calculator, Secret Message Encoder/decoder.
BSD Education (Build Something Different) partners with educators to bring technology education into classrooms through our programs of learning, online learning platform and professional development training.